The Story of Master Wu-Da and the Water Repentance Sutra 唐朝悟达国师与《慈悲三昧水忏》的故事
人的身体有很多疾病,其中有一种疮疾,叫做「人面疮」,是长在人的膝盖上,形相如人一般,五官齐全,还有一张口,每天也要吃饭。这则「人面疮」的故事,是发生在唐朝知玄悟达国师的身上。 唐朝的知玄禅师有一次外出云游参学,半路遇到一位同道。这位同道的身上长了疮,并且发出恶臭,没有人敢和他往来。知玄禅师心生怜悯,便主动给予照料,直到他身体康复为止。同道心中非常感谢,就对禅师说:「将来如果你有什麽苦难,可以到四川彭州九陇山来找我。只要看到二棵大松树并连在一起,就是我居住的地方了。」
其实,这位同道是个阿罗汉,名叫迦诺迦尊者。 后来,知玄禅师因为道高德重,受到唐懿宗的恭敬,礼拜为师,并且敕封为「悟达国师」。坐上了皇帝赐予的檀香宝座,悟达国师可说备受礼遇,不知不觉就生起了虚荣心。不久,他发现膝上害了人面疮。国师深知这必定是因为自己的得失心,而招感业障现前,他想起过去那位同道临别的叮嘱,于是忍著痛苦,来到四川彭州九陇山。 在同道的招呼下,悟达国师先是住了一宿。隔天,在一位童子带领下,来到一处泉水边。身上发热、痛苦难耐的国师,掬起水来就要清洗人面疮,但是瞬间,人面疮竟然开口说话了,他说:「悟达国师,暂且不要清洗!我要告诉你,你我在西汉时代结下了冤仇,那时候你是袁盎,我是晁错,因被你诬陷,招来杀身之祸,久已想要报仇雪恨。但由于十世以来,你都是一名高僧,所以我始终没有办法靠近你。到了这一世,因为你受到皇帝的恩宠,起了虚荣心,于福德有损,我才得以乘虚而入。
今日承蒙迦诺迦尊者出面为你我解除冤业,赐给我三昧法水,令我得到清凉解脱,我们之间的宿怨,从此就一笔勾销了。」 这时候,悟达国师连忙以清水洗淨人面疮,只是,其痛真是痛彻肝肠,立刻就让他昏厥了过去。奇妙的是,等到他醒过来,人面疮也消失了。 由此因缘,后来悟达国师作了《慈悲三昧水忏》,叙说忏悔认错可以消灾免难。 从这一则故事中,我们可以知道忏悔的重要。衣服弄脏了,用水洗一洗就会乾淨;身体肮脏了,用水洗一洗,就会清洁;一个人纵然有一身罪业,只要诚心忏悔、肯得改过,忏悔的法水就能灭罪消愆。
The Story of Master Wu-Da and the Water Repentance Sutra
Why do virtuous people sometimes encounter great misfortune?
The reason is that our actions in this lifetime bear fruit in future lifetimes, and “bad luck” in this life is just residual karma from previous lives. This is the law of cause and effect. The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Sutra, written by Dharma Master Wu-Da, explains it this way: During the Tang Dynasty, a monk named Zhixuan was traveling from temple to temple when he met another monk whose whole body was riddled with festering sores. This monk had been very ill for a long time, and most people dared not go near him. Zhixuan could not bear to see this monk suffer. So he stayed with the monk and washed him and cared for him.
After the monk recovered, he said, “I am very grateful. I want to repay you. If you ever encounter difficulties, please come to Jiulong Mountain. You will find me by two pine trees.” Young Zhixuan thought, “I only wanted to ease your suffering. How could I ask for anything in return?” But he merely said, “If I ever need help, I will come to Jiulong Mountain.” Time passed and Zhixuan remained diligent in his spiritual practice. He mastered the teachings of the Buddhist canon and meticulously upheld the precepts. Word of his virtue reached Emperor Yizong, who invited him to expound the Dharma. After hearing Zhixuan, the emperor gave him the title “Imperial Dharma Master Wu-Da.”
To express his supreme respect for Imperial Dharma Master Wu-Da, the emperor presented him with a sandalwood Dharma-throne to sit upon while lecturing. When Master Wu-Da saw this throne, a trace of arrogance arose in his heart. As he joyfully approached the throne, he struck his knee on the chair. A bruise appeared. Then the bruise became inflamed. Then the inflammation became a boil shaped like a human face, with a nose and mouth. The emperor summoned famous physicians to treat Wu-Da to no avail. Wu-Da suffered tremendously, and he reflected on his predicament. He knew that it was karma, but how could he eliminate this karma? As he pondered, he remembered the sick monk. Suddenly the monk's parting words took on a profound meaning. And so he set off on a journey to Jiulong Mountain.
When Master Wu-Da arrived, he dismissed his attendants and walked up the mountain. Between two pine trees he saw a towering, dignified temple and the monk, standing there radiantly, waiting to receive him. After they greeted each other, Master Wu-Da explained that he was suffering from a human-faced boil. “Don’t worry,” the monk said. “It is late. Tomorrow you can wash, and you will be fine.” Early the next morning, a young novice brought Wu-Da to the foot of the mountain. There was a pond of exceptionally clear water with which the novice instructed him to wash. Master Wu-Da quickly bent down to fetch water when all of a sudden he heard a voice. It seemed to be the human-faced boil speaking. “Wait. Listen to me first. You are a well-read scholar. You must know the story of how Yuan Ang had Chao Cuo executed?” “Yes, I know the story. It happened a long time ago.” “Did you know that you were Yuan Ang and I was Chao Cuo? Do you remember that you had me killed in the East City?” Master Wu-Da remembered the record from the ancient books of how Yuan Ang had deceived Chao Cuo.
As Wu-Da stood there lost in thought, an image flashed before his mind: as the executioner's blade came down, Chao Cuo opened his mouth to curse, but his body had already fallen to the floor. A rock landed in his mouth and was crushed to pieces by the force of his resentment. The human-faced boil said, “At that moment, we formed a karmic connection of great hatred. I vowed revenge. But right afterwards you dedicated yourself to spiritual practice, and for the next ten lifetimes you upheld the precepts with such precision that I had no chance. Then, when the emperor presented you with the Dharma-throne, a hint of arrogance crept into you. The gate of karma opened and I seized this opportunity. I have followed you for the last ten lifetimes. I myself could not be free of this entanglement. I have suffered unspeakably. But now, Venerable Kanaka has taught you to use the Samadhi-water to wash yourself, and it has loosened the knots in my heart. From this day on, the hatred between us will be eliminated completely.” To Master Wu-Da, this all felt like a dream.
Collecting himself, he quickly washed himself with the water. As he did so, the pain was so excruciating that he fainted. When he awoke, the human-faced boil had disappeared. Filled with gratitude, he went to thank the monk. But when he returned to the temple, neither the monk nor the temple was there. The sick monk was actually a manifestation of the Venerable Kanaka, one of Buddha’s great disciples who, foreseeing that Zhixuan would face this karmic retribution, appeared as a sick monk to test Zhixuan’s compassion and so resolve his karma. The teachings of Venerable Kanaka were like pure water. Not only did they heal his wound, they also cleansed his accumulated karma. From then on, Master Wu-Da stayed at Jiulong Mountain, where he built an abode and engaged in peaceful spiritual practice. With utmost reverence, he created the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Sutra, which became an important practice in Chinese Buddhism for purifying negative karma.