“The most significant contribution is not measured by how much we give, but by the lives, we touch.” 

For thousands of years, the teachings of the Dharma have benefitted and transformed the lives of many. We believe that the preservation and propagation of the precious Dharma are like sowing the seeds of great compassion and profound wisdom of the past Buddhas in the hearts of every being.

It is, therefore, imperative for us to preserve and propagate the Dharma in any possible ways to benefit our future generations. Knowing and reflecting on the Dharma is not enough. As our Guru taught us, we must practice what we preach. Instead of hiding in a cave, i.e. our comfort zone, to meditate and recite prayers all day, we can manifest as “Action Bodhisattvas” to benefit all beings.

Thus, in Thekchen Choling, we initiate and organise humanitarian work to help our local communities and for other charitable causes.

If you are interested in contributing to the preservation and propagation of the Dharma, and in supporting our humanitarian work, these are the projects and funds which you may like to consider supporting:

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Triple Gem Fund ~

As written in some Sutras, supporting and making offerings to the Triple Gem enable one to receive inconceivable merits and benefits. The Triple Gem Fund consists of:

Gurus’ Fund – As advised by Lama Zopa Rinpoche: “Even if you have complete qualities, without a guru, you cannot be liberated from Samsara”. This fund supports all dharma activities of our Gurus.

Sangha Fund – This fund supports the ordained sangha community as well as monasteries and nunneries, providing them with food, accommodation, electricity, education, health care and retreat needs.

Holy Objects Fund – This fund helps to conserve and preserve the holy objects that represent the Body (Rupa of Buddhas), Speech (Prayer and Dharma Wheels), and Mind (Stupas) of the Buddhas. As reiterated in the King of Concentration Sutra, it says that even looking upon a drawing of a stupa with a mind of anger creates the cause to see millions of buddhas in the future.

Triple Gem Fund (General) – This option is for you if you would like to contribute to all the 3 initiatives of the TG Fund above.


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Dharma Preservation & Propagation (DPP) ~

This fund is used to support the translation and printing of Dharma Texts and for developing Dharma courses for the young and adults. It consists of the following initiatives:

Preservation of Texts

This fund is for the printing and preservation of dharma text and sutras.                

Children Development Fund

This fund supports the development of Dharma courses for children age 4 to 12 years old.

Youth Development Fund

This fund supports the development of Dharma and youth development courses for youths ag 13 to 18 years old.

Dharma Preservation and Propagation Fund (General) - This option is for you if you would like to contribute to all the 3 initiatives of the DPP Fund above.

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Vajraland Fund ~

This fund helps to conserve and maintain the infrastructure and the facilities of the temple to support the propagation of the Dharma and for serving humanity..

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Support Our Temple Fund ~

This fund helps fund our temple’s monthly operational expenses. Your contribution will enable our temple to continue our mission of empowering all to have meaningful lives. With your donation and our efforts in preserving and propagating the Dharma, and the humanitarian work that we do, together, we can transform and impact lives!

Ashoka Pillars Fund

This is an initiative to help raise funds for the operations of our temple on a monthly basis - Click here for the monthly contribution.

We welcome one-time donation for this too.

General Donation Fund

This fund helps to fund the expenses and unanticipated needs of our temple.

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Social Outreach (SO) ~

Our SO Fund supports those who are challenged financially by distributing food, daily necessities, financial assistance, and free medications for them.

Medicine for the Needy Fund – This fund provides supports the needy with medical assistance and medication. 

Education Fund - This fund provides financial aid for children and youth from Low income families.

Animal Welfare Fund - Extending support to the animals with food and shelter

Coffin Donation Fund - Rendering support and help for the dying

Social Outreach Fund (General) - This option is for you if you would like to contribute to all the initiatives of the SO Fund above.


Thekchen Choling serves humanity wholeheartedly. With your generous and kind offerings, we can transform and impact lives for many and pass on the gift of Dharma for the future generation. Together we can build a more loving and compassionate world!

If you wish to contribute to our temple on a monthly or annual basis, do contact us at +65 64663720 or +65 8181 3720. We will be happy to discuss further with you about this. We appreciate and truly rejoice in your generosity!

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