Vesak Prayer Festival
Celebrating Buddha's Universal Love
4 May – 1 June 2024

Celebrating the 2568th Vesak!
To commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana, we have curated a series of meaningful activities throughout the special month of Vesak. Join us in deepening our wisdom and faith through Dharma teachings and venerating the Buddha, while receiving deep purification and blessings through the power of prayers.
This year, anticipated by animal lovers, we are excited to host the special Animal Blessing Night on the eve of Vesak once again, embodying Buddha’s boundless compassion for all sentient beings. On Vesak Day, partake in the festivities of our family carnival and witness the unveiling of our huge Wish-fulfilling Shakyamuni Thangka! Let Buddha's profound love inspire you!
We eagerly anticipate your presence at Thekchen Choling this Vesak!

Gyabshi Puja for Purifying Obstacles
4/5/2024 (Sat),
Our Venerable Sanghas will be performing Gyabshi Puja to pray for everyone and all sentient beings. This extensive puja requires an offering of 400 tormas, lights, figurines, and images of holy objects, and is one of the most renowned Vajrayana rituals for purifying obstacles and harm.
For optimal benefits, participants are advised to bring some coins and a cut fabric of abt 3 x 3 inch from a worn and unwashed clothing. You may also bring these items to our temple in advance.
This puja is free for all, send us your dedication list!

The Great Celestial Mansion Sutra (Chi)
8/5/2024 (Wed), 8pm
11/5/2024 (Sat), 11am
12/5/2024 (Sun), 11am
This Sutra is much more valuable than skies of wish-fulfilling jewels. The activity of reciting this Sutra becomes an offering to all the Buddhas, that allows us to accumulate multitudes of merits for the flourishing of Dharma and success in our endeavors, bringing about growth in our spiritual and worldly wealth. There will also be Tibetan chanting by our Venerable Sanghas from 15-17 May!
Do join us in venerating this exalted Sutra!

Shakyamuni Buddha's Birthday
15/05/2024 (Wed), 8pm
Come join us for a meaningful evening to celebrate Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday (lunar calendar) together! There will be a special teaching (English) given by Singha Rinpoche to contemplate the birth of Prince Siddhartha, along with a bath offering to Buddha ceremony afterwards. To accumulate great merits for this day, you may wish to register for offerings by clicking on the link below.
We hope to see you at Thekchen Choling on this special day!

Dorje Khadro Fire Puja
1/6/2024 (Sat), 7.30pm
Dorje Khadro Fire Puja is highly notable for its purification effects, from negativities in general such as sicknesses, disturbing emotions, spirit harm and negative karma, up to obstacles caused by broken vows and degenerated tantric samaya. This puja is recommended as an effective way to pray for those who are living with various body and mind conditions or looking to improve their situation in life. Do sign up to request blessings for yourself and your loved ones!

Bring Your Pets to Our Special Celebration on Vesak's Eve!
21/5/2024 (Tue), 7.30pm – 10.00pm
(Come any time in between!)
In celebration of Buddha’s Universal Love for all beings including animals, Thekchen Choling is organising our third Animal Blessing Night event on the eve of Vesak Day this year! There will be many fun-filled and interactive activities for you and your pet to enjoy, such as making your wishes on the Wishing Tree, and taking photos of your pets at the event!
We will also be giving away freebies such as pet food and more! All activities are free of charge. Besides merit-making activities with your pets, you can also visit our animal welfare booths to learn more about these featured organisations and their initiatives - NParks Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS), Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES), Bunny Wonderland, Action for Singapore Dogs (ASD), Metta Cats and Dogs Sanctuary.
If you wish to express your appreciation for this event, you may make a freewill donation to our Animal Welfare Fund to support causes that improve the lives of the animals that we share this planet with.

Journey with Buddha
Embark on this unique journey of love, friendship and blessings as we follow the path of our Vesak processional float, which will carry the sacred rupa and relics of Shakyamuni Buddha from downtown to the heartlands of our island city-state!
Bring along your family and friends to join us on this meaningful journey aboard a chartered bus! It will be a fun bonding time with our Dharma family as we come together to accomplish this mission together!
Date: 18/5/2024 (Sat)
Time: 9.30am - 11.00pm
Activity details and itinerary: Download here
Sign up and be part of Buddha's entourage! Click here
*Children 12 and below needs to be accompanied by an adult.
Unveiling of Wish-Fulfilling Thangka
As an annual Vesak tradition, we will unveil the Giant Wish-Fulfilling Shakyamuni Buddha Thangka at Thekchen Choling with a boisterous ceremony on Vesak Day at 9.30am in the morning!
As we congregate to witness & revere the holy image of Buddha, let’s celebrate our interconnectedness with all beings & our Buddha nature within! Do come early to get a good spot! See you there !
Vesak Family Carnival
Vesak Day, a day of fun and family bonding! There's something exciting for everyone to do on Vesak Day, from young to old. Join our Vesak Family Carnival, on 22 May 2024 at 2 Beatty Lane from 9am to 4.30pm!
Come with your family and friends to enjoy the delicious food stalls that we have, and join in the fun by playing with our game booths and carnival rides too! You may purchase the carnival coupons on-site on the actual day!
Merit Making Activities
With three major life events of Lord Buddha being associated with Vesak Day, it is no wonder that this holy day has a merit-multiplying effect! Seize the chance to gain mountains of merit by making offerings at our temple.
In addition, Shakyamuni Buddha Puja done on this day offers a great opportunity for us to receive immense blessings, please register here.
Refuge Ceremony and Teaching
On this auspicious occasion, Singha Rinpoche will also be granting a Refuge Ceremony at 2.00pm. If you are keen to take refuge in the Triple Gems, please register here.
Make your Vesak extra meaningful by reflecting on the preciousness of Buddha and his teachings. We invite you to join us in a Dharma teaching by Singha Rinpoche on this special day and take in the essence of Dharma’s wisdom at 3.00pm.

Gain Merits and Support Animal Welfare!
Have a meritorious Vesak by making offerings through our Special Merit Bundle! Each bundle comes with a light offering in the month of Vesak Day and a merit increasing tablet to bring you good fortune, and a $10 donation to our Animal Welfare Fund for you to create the cause for health and longevity through the virtuous deed of animal protection - protecting sentient beings from fear!
Animal protection goes beyond animal liberation. It includes keeping strays safely off the streets, ensuring food is always avaliable, preventing untimely deaths, and preserving the environment in which they live in. All donations to our animal welfare fund support animal and environmental groups in Singapore and abroad. We advocate animal liberation with a difference!
Period of Offering: 8/5/2024 - 22/5/2024
Closing Date: 20/5/2024, 8am
Vesak Day - Special Teaching by Singha Rinpoche (Eng)
Vesak 2022 Closing Video (1) - Animal Blessing and Prayer Ceremony
Vesak 2022 Closing Video (2) - Our Happy Vesak Day, It’s Been Awhile!
Vesak Day Message by Singha Rinpoche 2022