New and feeling lost? Want to know more about our temple and why we do what we do?
Do you wish to ask more about our understanding of the teachings and philosophies?
Come join us for an afternoon of sharing and bonding.

Getting to Know You

Conducted in a casual setting and only requiring 2-3 hours of your time, let our committed volunteers share more about the temple we have come to love. Allow yourself to be immersed in the open and interactive atmosphere and engage in the interactions with volunteers of our very warm family. After all, the orientation programme is really not about us, it's really about YOU! Come let us know you a little better!

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Share your burning questions with us

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Getting to know you personally

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Bring home these meaningful gifts

Light Refreshment will be provided during the short break.

Like our programme? Let us know!
You can also Donate to help us with the cost of the programme!

Your Takeaways

Learn how to do a bath offering to Lord Dzambala, understand the significance behind a prostration, get a sneak peek at the treasures and colorful history of our temple. Our orientation programme has so much to offer you! Spare us a day during one weekend and let's make it a colourful and enjoyable one together!

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

Discover the Hidden Stories

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

Learn why and how we do

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Live the Thekchen Choling Experience

A Shout Out to Our Volunteers

With the invaluable assistance of our warm, friendly volunteers, the quarterly orientation programme has helped to open the doors of Thekchen Choling to many people of all ages. We sincerely thank our volunteers for connecting with our new friends! If you would like to learn how to help us, we welcome you!

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns


Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns


Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns


Orientation Program

New to Buddhism?

Curious about Thekchen Choling?
Want to learn more about Buddhism?
Discover how you can start your Dharma Journey with us

Our Orientation 2024 awaits you! Join us for an afternoon of learning and engagement, as you will uncover more of our dharma community and how to start your journey in Buddhism.

What to Expect: 

Introduction to Thekchen Choling's history, vision, and mission 

Explore basic Buddhist practices 

Learn about the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and holy objects at the temple

Discover our range of temple services, courses, and activities.

 30 Jun 2024 Sunday

2pm - 5pm

Thekchen Choling Main Hall

Light Refreshment will be provided.

Click here to sign up for Orientation

Donate to support our programmes

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