Inspiration Sundays

A dose of heartfelt advice and sharing

When the Why is clear, all answers appear

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
May 2021 — 1328 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Control & Change from a Buddhist Perspective

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
May 2021 — 1589 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Good luck, bad luck and how to solve problems

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
April 2021 — 1630 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Who is taking care of your roots?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
April 2021 — 1660 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

The Six Harmonies of Buddhism

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
April 2021 — 2013 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Dear Samsara, may I be liberated now?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
April 2021 — 1603 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Ah! The Post-Pandemic Lotus Blooms!

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
March 2021 — 1548 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Causes and Effects

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
March 2021 — 1596 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Why Every Buddhist Has To Believe In Reincarnation

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
March 2021 — 1535 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Telling Lies? Yes, Papa!

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
March 2021 — 1567 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Of Lama Chopa and Happiness

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
February 2021 — 1745 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Deja vu... woowoo or phoophoo?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
February 2021 — 1696 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

What The Nagas Tell Us About Our Practice

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
February 2021 — 2212 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

I Don't - What Breaking Vows Is About (Part 2 of 2)

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
February 2021 — 1529 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

I Do - What Vows Signify (Part 1 of 2)

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
January 2021 — 1501 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Hello, Namaste, Tashi Delek...What's all this?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
January 2021 — 1708 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Practising on Purpose with Purpose

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
January 2021 — 1328 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

How to Heal your Inner World

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
January 2021 — 1513 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

How to NOT make Life a Living Hell

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
January 2021 — 1453 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche

Is success and striving for results just an ego-trip?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
December 2020 — 1444 views BlogDharmaInspirationSunday SinghaRinpoche